Sunday 22 March 2015

Chocolate Eclairs

I have never been so tempted to give up on my (almost - 104 days to go) year of being chocolate free than when I made these yesterday! Chocolate eclairs are a favourite in our house and I would argue, one of the best pastry treats there is.

I have been promising my cousin a batch of chocolate eclairs for ages and this weekend as he is making the trip up from London for my brother's 30th birthday celebrations he demanded no less than 50 eclairs to be waiting for him upon arrival (demanded is a slight exaggeration, I offered). 

I haven't quite made 50 but I did make a batch of 24 in the hope that at a few would be left by the time he arrives.

To make 24 eclairs you will need:

  • 200g plain flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 350ml water
  • 150g unsalted butter
  • 4 large eggs
To decorate:
  • 600ml double cream
  • 100g of milk chocolate
To start, heat your oven to around 200c fan.

In a large pan over a medium heat, melt the butter in 350ml of water. When it is completely melted quickly bring the mixture to the boil, remove from the heat and add the flour and salt all in one go.

Beat the mixture well until the flour is completely incorporated and there are no lumps. Return the mixture to the heat and cook for about 2 minute whilst beating. This is to cook the flour. The mixture will become shiny, form a ball and come away from the sides of the pan.

Take the mixture off the heat and transfer it to a mixing bowl. Allow this to cool until it is just warm and using an electric whisk incorporate the beaten eggs a little at a time. You may not need to add all of the eggs. You're aiming for a consistency that holds its shape, and when on a metal spoon falls off with a gentle shake. Too much egg and the mixture won't hold its shape and your eclairs will be flat.

Pipe even lengths of the mixture onto lined baking trays. 

You're eclairs need to cook for 20 minutes at 200c fan. After 20 minutes open to door to let the steam out and cook for a further 15 - 20 minutes. At the end of this time take the eclairs out and pierce a small hole in the end of each eclair and  return to the over for a further 5 - 10 minutes. This is to dry the inside of the eclair out and form a nice crisp choux pastry shell.

Remove from the oven and allow them to cool before splitting them open along the side and filling with whipped double cream.

Melt your chocolate over a pan of simmering water and dip each eclair in to give a generous covering of chocolate on the top.

Let the chocolate set before eating - if you can! 

They are best eaten on the same day as being made or will last up to two days in the fridge.

And that's all there is to it!

Happy baking - let me know how you get on!

Rach x

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